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John Tagami’s Tribute to Nisei Veterans 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

John Tagami’s Tribute to Nisei Veterans

Thanks for that introduction, Jeannette. I’d like to thank JACL and Dale Ikeda for inviting me tonight to pay tribute to the Nisei veterans of WWII. Because of time constraints, I am taking the liberty of confining my remarks to veterans of the Military Intelligence Service. When I was growing up, we sansei had very…

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Four Hirabayashi Cousins: A Question of Identity by James Hirabayashi 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Four Hirabayashi Cousins: A Question of Identity by James Hirabayashi

The sudden onset of World War II on December 7th 1941 thrust the issue of identity to the forefront for all Japanese Americans. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing the War Department to prescribe military areas from which any or all persons may be excluded.  This order served…

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Position Paper 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Position Paper

From: The Pinedale Assembly Center Memorial Project Committee, a joint committee of the Central California Nikkei Foundation and the Central California District Council of the Japanese American Citizens League To: Fresno City Council Re: Designation of Building 8 located at 7435 N. Ingram Avenue, Fresno, to the Local Register of Historic Resources The Historic Preservation…

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Honorable James A. Ardaiz Speech 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Honorable James A. Ardaiz Speech

[Speech given February 19, 2007, by the Honorable James A. Ardaiz, Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, at the groundbreaking ceremony for Remembrance Plaza concerning the Pinedale Assembly Center] Sixty-five years ago today this spot where we now stand was part of mostly barren land on the outskirts of the small…

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DOR ground-breaking remarks 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

DOR ground-breaking remarks

By: Dale Ikeda Feb. 19, 2007 Good morning. On behalf of the Pinedale Assembly Center Memorial project committee, let me add my welcome to this Day of Remembrance marking the 65th anniversary of Executive Order No. 9066. Our theme is “hate, healing, honor and hope.” In the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor by…

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