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Private Spaces 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Private Spaces

In modus recteque pro, has offendit accusamus interesset ex, per at accusam albucius. Ei dico suscipiantur his. Labore iuvaret fastidii ei cum. Primis antiopam sententiae ne mei, at cum forensibus voluptatum. Duo ei congue ubique admodum, ut erat adhuc vix. At exerci laoreet elaboraret pri, an sumo neglegentur sit. Cu pro erat ceteros maiorum. Senserit repudiare…

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Local Medal Ceremony to Honor Japanese American WWII Veterans on Feb. 19, 2012 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Local Medal Ceremony to Honor Japanese American WWII Veterans on Feb. 19, 2012

The Central California District of the Japanese American Citizens League will award replica Congressional Gold Medals to local Japanese American World War II veterans at the 2012 Day of Remembrance Luncheon on February 19.  The local ceremony follows a national medal ceremony held in Washington D.C. last month. “This year’s Day of Remembrance will pay…

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The Japanese American Story of Internment and Redress 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

The Japanese American Story of Internment and Redress

By Dale Ikeda Presented at Kochi University on July 1, 2011 Mina-san, Konnichiwa. My wife, Debbie, and I are pleased to join you at Kochi University. It is an honor to address members of the Kochi University community. Thank you. As Co-Chair of the Fresno-Kochi Sister Cities Committee, I thank the people of Kochi Prefecture for being warm and…

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Howard Watkins Photo Gallery 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Howard Watkins Photo Gallery

Here is a link to many groundbreaking and dinner photos taken by photographer Howard Watkins.

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Civil Liberties Act of 1988 150 150 omcadmin@OMC

Civil Liberties Act of 1988

In 1970, the Japanese American Citizens League at its National Convention adopted a resolution to seek redress for the loss of liberties and property of those impacted by the exclusion and internment orders. Thus began a 20-year battle for redress. JACL and the Japanese American legislators, Senators Daniel K. Inouye and Spark M. Matsunaga and Representatives…

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